
- 2018
- Yilan factory set up.
- 2013
- Purchased land in Yilan for the preparation of 3rd pharmaceutical manufactory.
Tamsui manufactory obtained the latest PIC/S GMP certification.
- 2011
- Developed 24-hours retard film-coated tablets for supplemet food products.
- 2010
- Implemented PIC/S GMP plan and expanded the budget posts of quality control, quality assurance, and manufacturing teams.
- 2009
- Developed the micro-emulsified aqueous gel base for drugs and cosmetics.
- 2008
- Developed ultra-viscous JAT base for oral base.
- 2007
- Acquired by Shin Sheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and consolidated by the group.
- 2006
- Obtained the SBIR project sponsorship from the Minister of Economic Affair.
- 2005
- Obtained cGMP certification.
- 2003
- Food and cosmetic manufactories set up.
Sole license of Lipoid (Germany), PPC-95% row material for liver-caring foods.
- 2002
- Developed various delivery technologies such as the liposome technology, and applied to drugs, foods, and cosmetics.
- 2001
- Obtained the first stage cGMP certification in the first batch.
- 1999
- CBC donated one-month production of medicines to the victims of 921 earthquake.
- 1998
- Served as a role model manufacturer in government’s 3-stage cGMP program.
- 1997
- Developed new medicines for gastric ulcer, anti-hypochondria and cardiac disease with the professor of Yang-Ming Medical College.
- 1987
- Obtained GMP certification.
- 1986
- Moved to Tamsui, Taipei County.
- 1949
- Relocated to Taipei City and major products were vitamins.
- 1945
- Established in Shanghai, China.